Jun 16Liked by Al Christie

This is horrible! Very discouraging.

Btw I watched two fields near my house grow to mature and kept wondering why they weren’t being harvested. My coworkers told me that it’s corn raised for cattle feed.

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GHE theory fails because of two erroneous assumptions: 1. near Earth space is cold & w/o GHE would become 255 K, -18 C, ball of ice & 2. radiating as a 16 C BB the surface produces “extra” GHE energy aka radiative forcing (nee caloric).







Without the atmosphere, water vapor and its 30% albedo Earth would become much like the Moon, a barren rock, hot^3 400 K on the lit side, cold^3 100 K on the dark.

“TFK_bams09” GHE heat balance graphic & its legion of clones uses bad math and badder physics. 63 W/m^2 appears twice (once from Sun & second from a BB calculation) violating both LoT 1 and GAAP. 396 W/m^2 upwelling is a BB calc for a 16 C surface for denominator of the emissivity ratio, 63/396=0.16, “extra” & not real. 333 W/m^2 “back” radiating from cold to warm violates LoT 1 & 2. Remove 396/333/63 GHE loop from the graphic and the solar balance still works.

Kinetic heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules (60%) render a terrestrial BB (requires 100%) impossible as demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.

Since both GHE & CAGW climate “science” are indefensible rubbish alarmists must resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.

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I don't know quite what you're talking about. I don't like acronyms unless they're first explained. What is GHE, BB, TFK, GAAP, and CAGW? It sounds like maybe you're opposed to the consensus on global warming, which I would agree with, but what does your comment have to do with my article on biofuels pollution? I've seen your same, identical comment on other substacks, and they never address the actual topic of the post, so until now I've ignored them.

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The GHE is underneath everything! If it weren’t for GHE biofuels would not even be a topic.

I don’t explain acronyms because if you have done the homework you know what they mean.

If you don’t understand, do the homework.

GHE - GreenHouse Effect - duh.

BB - Black Body - a thermodynamic concept which few can explain.

TFK - Trenberth, Fasullo Kiehl - UCAR “climate” scientist who can’t balance their checkbook.

GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Practices. - can’t enter 63 twice and pull numbers out of thin air.

CAGW - Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming - Just rank fear mongering.

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Thanks for the much needed clarity. This will help, and I will save it, because I won't be able to remember all these symbols. I'm familiar with thermodynamics and agree that human activities have very little to do with global warming or cooling. I'm also familiar with GAAP, but didn't see how you were connecting it to the topic, so wondered if you were using the same acronym for some other meaning. Never heard of TFK. We don't all have time to do all the 'homework' for everyone's substack or comments.

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