Jun 18Liked by Al Christie

Whether it’s vaccine “science”, nutrition, or climate change - it’s almost always the engineers that have raised the alarms. Those physics brains!!

Sadly, even the engineers are still fooled into thinking only “science deniers” would question Darwinian evolution.

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Jun 18Liked by Al Christie

Like you I love a good visual, says a thousand words. The art of deception is so alive and well and being used against us now for much longer than we think, especially by the Chinese, they are masters of it, and taking away the free will of their enemies. The Russians are better at brutish boots. Never a bullet fired, is the saying to always keep in mind.

When your own population and the enemy learn how to exploit your weak spots, especially in the law, at the detriment of the people of a nation then we know we are in trouble. Some people will always take advantage, and when that advantage is somewhat beneficial to all it is acceptable, but when it is a total detriment then it must be stopped.

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Thanks for the comment, JF

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