Prayers for Pope Francis’ recovery from recent hospitalization.
In an ideal world, no one would murder or steal, and no one would need to be concerned about self defense. We wouldn’t need fences or walls.
But that’s not the way the world is. Mankind is fallen. We all know what temptation is, and we have all sinned.
America is very aware of the danger of open borders, where criminals, terrorists, drug cartels, and sex traffickers pour into the country if unchecked.
There are two main reasons why some are for open borders. One is political - the hope that favors given to new entrants will gain votes from non-citizens. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stipulates that the right to vote in federal elections for the Senate, House of Representatives and presidency is limited to U.S. citizens, but there is no national requirement, at this time, to require proof of citizenship - this seems to be up to the states.
The other reason some are for open borders is a biblical principle - hospitality to strangers. Both the old and new testament teach hospitality and kindness to foreigners.
Pope Francis is against our new policy of deporting illegal immigrants
But the AP exposed the pope’s hypocrisy:
“The Vatican, a walled-in, 44-hectare (108-acre) city state inside Rome, recently increased sanctions for anyone who illegally enters the territory. The December law calls for a prison term of up to four years and a fine of up to 25,000 euros ($25,873) for anyone who enters with “violence, threat or deception,” such as by evading security checkpoints.”
Good judgment includes knowing how to apply and prioritize different principles. There is also a biblical principle about the right to self defense (Ex.22:2-3), defensive walls (Isa.62:6) and by logical extension, the right of nations to defend and protect their borders.
There is also a biblical principle that teaches we should obey the authorities that we are under (Rom.13:1). Our laws require immigrants to follow certain legal steps.
So in regard to Pope Francis, I’m not saying he doesn’t have the right to live behind walls and strict law enforcement of illegal entrants. What I’m saying is that he should not lecture the U.S. on whether we have a right to do likewise.
Where is the love and compassion for our citizens who have suffered from robbery, rapes, murder, fentanyl, and terrorists? Where is the outrage over sex trafficking?
For a more thorough discussion of the 14th amendment, atty Jeff Childers C&C substack has a great explanation today. Scroll down to the beginning words: “Another reason the overwrought ‘dictator’ charges keep falling flat is because Trump keeps following the law. On Saturday, no less than the New York Times ran a narrative-smashing op-ed headlined, “Trump Might Have a Case on Birthright Citizenship.”
A good contrast.
They should deport the violent criminal illegal immigrants to the Vatican. The hypocrisy there is stunning. That said, there should be a sane, reasonable pathway to citizenship for people who want to come here, work hard, obey the law, and make a better life for themselves. Both the immigrants and the country should win.